From the Best New Age Artists

Christopher Boscole Soul Dreams Album Review

Soul Dreams Christopher Boscole

Soul Dreams Christopher BoscoleChristopher Boscole – “Soul Dreams”

Album review by Dyan Garris for New Age

Christopher Boscole is a classically trained pianist and composer who holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music, Master of Music in Studio Music and Jazz, as well as a Masters in Teaching.  His eleventh album release, “Soul Dreams,” is quite aptly named, as the solo piano compositions take us on an effortless, delightfully flowing, and soothing journey of almost one hour, on which we are invited on a soul level to transcend the physical and elevate the spirit.

The twelve piano solos found on this album are mainly neoclassical in style, yet at the same time dimensional in nature.  There is a lot of easy, natural flow and liquidity here, and in my opinion Christopher’s style brings in some additional facets to our general concepts of “New Age,” solo piano, or traditionally classical music.

And along with the visually attractive album cover art, the music on “Soul Dreams” is exceptionally beautiful as well.  Dreamy and peaceful, with some of it possibly improvised, as that is one of Christopher Boscole’s many musical talents, the compositions are fluid and light, transporting us so very easily to a voyage that is beyond ourselves.

The album begins with the lovely and melodic, “New Hope.” This is an ultra-dreamy, truly delightful “soulscape” of sound. Supremely relaxing, flowing, and tranquil, here we are drawn enticingly and willingly into the rest of the “dream.”  “New Hope” is followed by the genuinely enchanting “Polyana,” with its gentle, tender-hearted vibe. These are two tracks you may find yourself listening to over and over again.

Track 3, “Heart Traveler,” is passionate and emotional but with a light, calming melody.  This feels like it could be conveying the journey of one heart connecting somewhere in the ethers with another heart, melting together into one perfect harmony and one love.  In any event, there is much to love here all around.

Not to be overlooked in any way are “Happy Day” and “To See You Again,” which are both quite captivating and enchanting.  However, of particular note, and in the vein of “Heart Traveler,” the song on track 6, “Empathy,” seems to capture perfectly how we might feel to be heart-connected with someone else.  This is my absolute favorite song on the album.  It’s rich, expressive, and hypnotic, with emotional depth and breadth.  Plus, it is deeply relaxing, as is also the very authentic feeling, “The Question.” And the tranquility and peace we discover in “Soul’s Journey” on track 8, reminds us that the journey of the soul goes on, even if we may not quite understand the answer to “the question” of what we are doing here or where we go from here.

“Soul Dreams,” the title track, follows on track 9.  In alignment with the fluidity of the compositions on the album, the song is quite mesmerizing.  And this one is actually a bit “trance-inducing.”

The last three tracks on the album, “Peace of the Soul,” “Mistery,” and “Suite Sunshine,” are more ambient rather than structured. But ambience sometimes has its own definitive structure within.  These last three are “shimmery” and “glittery,” perhaps like the sparkling scintilla of our very soul’s essence.

The album, “Soul Dreams” by Christopher Boscole is an effervescent cascade of liquid light and a highly recommended addition to your solo piano collection.  ~ Dyan Garris

Buy “Soul Dreams” here.

Official Artist Website:


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