From the Best New Age Artists

Mary Gospe | Time To Soar | Album Review by Dyan Garris

Cover_3000x3000_MaryGospe_TimeToSoar“Time to Soar” by Mary Gospe

Album Review by Dyan Garris for Zone Music Reporter and New Age CD

“This is the kind of music that seeps into your soul and stays there.” – Dyan Garris


 “Time to Soar” is the uplifting, inspirational, debut album from San Francisco Bay area based, singer/songwriter, Mary Gospe. This is 12 empowering vocal tracks and just over 53 minutes.  Mary’s lyrics are well-crafted, positive, and are filled with spiritually infused messages created for individuals and for humanity.

The genre here is not traditionally New Age. It’s more New Folk/Folk Rock with a very effective crossover fusion into Classic Rock. Co-created with producer, multi-instrumentalist, and well-known guitarist, David Vito Gregoli, “Time to Soar” encourages us to trust, leave fear and worry behind, and move forward with our “authentic self” into laughter, joy, love, and freedom. This is the kind of music that seeps into your soul and stays there.

The album opens with the upbeat, hopeful, “We Are One.” Mary wrote this song after hearing Caroline Cory (creator of the OMnium Method™ of Learning and Healing), speak about the Syrian refugee crisis (2016 at that time), and about how old paradigms of “separation” are shifting into more of a “unity consciousness.”   The song features Mary Gospe on lead & backing vocals, as well as Corrie Dunn on backing vocals.  David Vito Gregoli, who also co-wrote 7 of the songs on “Time to Soar,” shines here on piano, 12 string acoustic guitar, synths, fretless bass, percussion, and drums.  ”And the cry for unity has begun . . .” 

Mary’s voice is beautiful, with a soothing, calming, and memorable quality that brings her powerful lyrics to life.  So lovable from the very first note of the album and truly heartwarming through and through.

The song, “Walk Slowly,” was inspired by a poem written by Mary’s friend, Nidhi Kaur, who also co-wrote.  The song inspires us to appreciate the love and beauty that surrounds us all the time on a daily basis, not just at the end of our time here.

In Celtic mythology, a crow is considered to be a divine oracle. The song, “The Black Crow Prophecy,” was inspired after Mary saw a crow while she was running in the woods. I love this song, which features Kimberly Haynes and Corrie Dunn on backing vocals, with Mary on lead vocals. Again, the incomparable David Vito Gregoli is brilliant on acoustic guitar, electric guitar, synths, piano, fretless bass, percussion, and drums. Outstanding.

The title track, “Time to Soar,” is melodic and harmonic, and here we are invited to transcend old patterns that keep one stuck in the mud, and instead, pursue life’s dreams. Really good. “Your life can be so much more . . .”

We are responsible for creating our own life experience here.  In the song “I Choose Love,” we are reminded that in any moment, no matter what’s transpiring around us, we can choose love. This is a very peaceful, comforting, soul-soothing song.  “In this moment, I get to choose . . .So I send you my peace, I send you my joy. . . I send you all my love . . .and you too have a choice.”    Yep. Beautiful.

Things kick up a notch with “Free To Be Me.” Here, the inspiration is to step freely into who you are and just be your authentic self. “I’m stepping into who I’m meant to be. . . My authentic self, no apologies.”   Really great music, plus excellent vocal and lyrics.

“Pendulum” is a hypnotic, upbeat song about releasing fear and surrendering to love and trust.  “This illusion of fear serves no one.” Here again we are treated to backing vocals by Kimberly Haynes (love her), and Corrie Dunn (and her), along with Mary on lead vocals. There is so much to love about Mary’s voice and lyrics. David Vito Gregoli is again brilliant on acoustic guitar, 12 string guitar, electric guitars, strings, fretless bass, percussion, and drums.

What would a powerful album like this be without a song titled “Unity,” I wonder?  It has to be here. Mary wrote this song as a tribute to women’s empowerment, but also to all of us. The message is to work together in oneness and harmony to create heaven on Earth. “Leading together, we’ll bring change . . .Unity, solidarity.” 

“Ride The Wave” is a song that refers to the principle of the Law of Attraction. Stay positive and high vibrational no matter how things appear. “I’m gonna ride the wave of a higher frequency . . .I’m gonna rise above it to a higher vibration. . .” Again, the music and vocal are excellent. Truly enjoyable.

A song with a great rock beat, “Let’s Break Away,” is about being spontaneous and having some fun. Dedicated to Mary’s husband, Mike, this is a favorite.

Winding things down is the delightful, “Live From Your Heart.” This song is inspired by Caroline Cory’s “Creative Formula,” which teaches how to surrender and use intention, desire, belief to manifest what you desire in your life.”  If you trust and if you believe . . .Relax and allow it to be.” The music and vocal are again, quite engaging. We can indeed, feel this music inside our heart, opening us to infinite possibilities. Love the piano here too.

The album closes out with the superb lullaby to humanity, “All Is Well.”  Here we are reminded that we are loved beyond our comprehension, and that we are here for a reason, all with unique gifts to share. This is extraordinarily beautiful with a soothing vocal and Vito’s guitars, piano, strings, and synths lulling us further into peaceful tranquility. “Lay your head down, let me hold you . . .All is well.” And it is.

Get “Time to Soar” here: or wherever music is sold/streamed.

Booking:  [email protected]
Record label: Dharmapala Records
David Vito Gregoli:

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