From the Best New Age Artists

More Of This | Single Review

More of This 1500x1500More Of This” by The Song Gardeners

Single Review by New Age CD and New Age Notes Radio Staff

The Song Gardeners, if you’ve never heard of them, are a dynamic musical duo which includes California based singer/songwriters and multi-instrumentalists Corrie Dunn and Mary Gospe.

They are at the forefront of what we can call the “New Age Pop” genre. Their music is a decidedly cool mix of well-crafted chill and pop with funky grooves, along with uplifting and empowering lyrics.

Their new single, “More Of This,” is a fun, upbeat song that invites the listener to focus on the important things in life. What do you cherish? Place your attention there and create more of it.

The piece opens with a percussive beat that will make you want to get up and dance, featuring bongos, hi-hat, and whimsical chimes followed by a grooving bass line underneath, light clapping, and synth. Writer and lead vocalist Mary Gospe sings the lyric, “more of this,” before recounting some of the simple things people should cherish in life, like holding hands, a lover’s kiss, the warm sun, a hug. And most importantly, we are reminded to release the past and just enjoy the moment.

“Here’s our intention, here’s our ask. . .

More of this, please

More of this, ooohhhh

Make a wish please

For more of this

Peace, love and unity – feel into the energy

Peace, love and harmony – feel into the energy

Feel into the energy – peace, love and harmony, harmony. . .

More of this, please. . .”

Speaking of harmony, the vocal harmonies between Mary and Corrie are always outstanding, but particularly here.  Along with James Butler’s drums, percussion, bass, and synth, plus David Scheibner’s guitar, and additional synths, indeed, we find ourselves wanting more of this. This is one that sticks in your head long after the music stops. Very nicely done. Again.

Be sure to watch the official lyric video:

“More Of This” is available on all popular streaming platforms or listen/get it here:

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