From the Best New Age Artists

Paradiso and Rasamayi – Artist Page


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Paradiso and Rasamayi




Paradiso and Rasamayi are internationally renowned musicians and sound healers with five critically acclaimed, internationally chart-topping CDs, which have received recognition for being among the best Meditation and Relaxation (ZMR), World (COVR) and New Age (Independent Music Awards) albums.

These Billboard charting twin flames have collaborated with luminaries including Deepak Chopra, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Dr. Masaru Emoto, Neale Donald Walsch, Gregg Braden, Jean Houston, Lynne McTaggart, Dr. Bruce Lipton and Steven Halpern.

While they are frequently lauded as consummate musicians by the most prestigious critics, award foundations and DJs of both the world of mainstream music and the New Age community, Carnegie Hall didjeridoo artist Paradiso and singing bowl master alchemist Rasamayi are fully self-trained. Their function is less as musicians than it is as ambassadors of the Sacred Sound Current, and channels for their audiences’ unique frequency prescription for optimal healing and soul evolution.

71K6KCWouGL._SS500_(See our New Age CD album review of their album, AGAPE EVOLUTION: THE MOVEMENT here).


Carnegie Hall didgeridoo Artist, Paradiso is a master player who discovered his instrument in 1996, and learned to play and facilitate healing through the instrument in a three-month series of dreams. He also plays the keyboards and shamanic percussion. At the time, he felt lost and without a life purpose. This sacred instrument transformed his life with the energy of inner peace and pursuit of the healing arts, and he now lives to share that path and experience with everyone he meets.

Rasamayi is a singing bowl master alchemist with many lifetimes’ memories of working with these sacred instruments. She has overcome profound disabilities including major depressive disorder and endometriosis, and is inspired to share with the planet the wellness, joy and spiritual healing she has discovered through healing music. Rasamayi is the only person in the world who has been identified as a Singing Bowl Alchemy Master-Teacher.

PR-cutout-dress-no-logo SQUAREParadiso and Rasamayi serve the Divine plan for humanity by translating their audiences’ frequency prescription into a unique audible musical experience, facilitating a state in which those seeking healing and evolution are more quickly and easily able to transcend perceived limitations and achieve a more complete embodiment of their own infinite nature.





In addition to their evolutionary music concerts at venues across the country, Rasamayi and Paradiso facilitate  frequency-based workshops and congregational messages:

  • Meet Your Bowlmates
  • Manifesting in Divine Alignment
  • AUM Alchemy Workshop
  • Hearing the Divine Call
  • Healing Past Lives
  • Shifting Frequencies


IMA-LogoThe song , “Agape’s Call” has been nominated for Best New Age Song at The 17th Independent Music Awards.  Here is how you vote: 

1. Visit the IMA website by clicking their logo or this link.
2. After providing a valid email address and password, browse the categories of songs and videos.
3. Click the red VOTE button for the entry you wish to vote for. Your vote is counted once you see the button turn green and it says VOTED! Click the link to vote!

VOTING ENDS May 24th, 2019

Follow Paradiso and Rasamayi on Facebook

Follow Paradiso and Rasamayi on YouTube

Contact Paradiso and Rasamayi

 Pre-order their new album, AUM 432



RADIO (Online & Terrestrial):

Broadcast and Media Promotion
Ed and Stacey Bonk
[email protected]

Clay Pasternak Inc.
Email: [email protected]



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