“Sonic Landscape” by The Song Gardeners
Album Review by New Age CD and New Age Notes Radio Staff
“Universal themes with a fresh approach.” – Dyan Garris, New Age Notes Radio
The Song Gardeners, Mary Gospe and Corrie Dunn, are a California based singer-songwriter duo specializing in their contemporary, upbeat, funky, chill groove version of “New Age pop.” Since emerging on the New Age music scene in 2020, they’ve garnered many accolades, nominations, and awards for their music. What makes their music particularly memorable and noteworthy is the superb vocal harmonies along with their uplifting, inspiring lyrics.
“Sonic Landscape” is their second full album. This album is a compilation of eight previously released singles which have been remastered for an enhanced listening experience. The lyrical themes running throughout the album speak to gratitude, gifts, and guidance.
The album opens with the funky groove song, “Present.” Here, we are reminded quite nicely to stay in the present moment. Following is the recently released, “Send Love to Everyone (Heal the Divide).” “Send love to everyone, no matter what they have done. . .” Great, timely lyrics and we are reminded that the “divide” is healed by unifying and not taking sides. With its 60s band groove, it’s a powerful call to peace.
A flowing, melodious, harmonious piece, “Talking To Trees,” reminds us of our universal connection and as well to get back to our roots. This is a very pretty song in every way. It’s a favorite and has remained on the charts for five consecutive months.
With its funky disco dance beat and sultry vocals, “More Of This” compels us to get up and dance in gratitude and create more of what we do want in life rather than what we don’t.
“Future Lives” has some low-key jazz elements, and the engaging lyrics address different phases of life from childhood to adolescence and on to adulthood. What is someone’s life purpose? What are we doing here? And we are also encouraged to share our gifts and talents with future generations as well as in the present.
A beautiful pop dance song, “April Sky,” draws us into the mystery of the stars and constellations that exist in the Milky Way. Celebratory and optimistic, this is a great song.
“The Little Things” has a bit of a gospel feel to it and reminds us that it’s the little things in life that make up the fabric of our lives. “It’s the little things that put a smile on my face, it’s the little things make this world a better place. . .”
This lovely album closes out with the somewhat hypnotic, dreamy piece, “Within.” This encourages us to introspect and remember that it all begins from inside ourselves. We can activate the innate qualities of gratitude, wisdom, compassion. . . ”speak your truth.”
This is a very enjoyable album and It’s really nice to have all these great songs by The Song Gardeners in one place. The album is available on all major streaming services
Releasing on July 19, 2024, get it here: https://lnk.dmsmusic.co/thesonggardeners_soniclandscape
Official artist website: https://thesonggardeners.com