From the Best New Age Artists

Ilka de Gast | Spirit Eyes | Single Review

1696833277_Best2SpiritEyes1085.webp-SPIRIT-EYES-COVERSpirit Eyes” by Ilka de Gast, PsyD (feat. Tommy Graven)

Single review by New Age Notes Radio and New Age CD Staff

Most of us have experienced the death of a loved one or a beloved pet. When this happens, we have a natural tendency to grieve deeply and look at the “death” from our earthly point of view rather than with our “spirit eyes.” Looking at things this way, from a spiritual point of view, can drastically change our entire perspective for the better and can bring a sense of deep peace rather than feelings of lingering sadness and utter dismay.

If you are not familiar with Ilka, pay close attention. Her star is on the rise. She is an absolutely amazing vocalist/overtone singer whose music is often played at Dr. Joe Dispenza’s advanced meditation retreats.

A little background on Ilka: For the past 30 years, Ilka de Gast – hailing originally from the Netherlands, and now based in California – is a licensed psychologist who has worked with a variety of sacred sound healing modalities from around the world, including the ancient art of overtone singing (vocal harmonics).  She teaches meditation, Qigong, and sound healing classes online, as well as in person, in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. Additionally, she leads sacred sound retreats internationally.

After formally studying overtone singing in London, England, with Dr Jill Purce, who having learned this ancient technique from Tibetan and Mongolian chant masters in the Himalayas, was one of the first to bring overtone singing to the West, Ilka discovered that the use of overtone singing could bring a sense of calm and joy to people as well as animals.  Ilka, at that time in her late 20s, first discovered this phenomenon when she began using the technique in a variety of settings, including a communication research program with dolphins at the Epcot Center in Florida.

As well as her profound and life-changing experiences with the dolphins, an ethereal “shared death experience” Ilka had when her first husband passed away at the young age of 31, opened her to the realization that there was something more than this physical world and the five senses; a spiritual dimension that lies beyond the veil. Ilka’s ethereal vocals seem to emanate directly from this place, bringing a sense of other-worldly calm and peace like nothing you’ve probably experienced previously.

Ilka has released 3 singles as a prelude to her upcoming 11-track debut album, which will be released early this year. The single we are reviewing here is radio edit version of “Spirit Eyes.” The song was created at the time of the passing of Ilka’s beloved cat, Albi.  From the very first opening notes, you know you are experiencing something very different and special. This 6-minute piece features Ilka’s ethereal vocals and harmonies as well as the soulful sounds of Tommy Graven’s Native American flute.

Available as a 12-minute meditative track from Ilka’s website, the song is also available on all major digital platforms. Haunting, healing, memorable, and profoundly relaxing, this is a “must have.”

Get it here on Ilka’s official artist website or on your favorite digital platform:




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