From the Best New Age Artists

Bearheart Kokopelli | Vision Quest | Album Review by Dyan Garris

VISION QUEST: Walking the Sacred PathVisionQuest-CD-Cover Bernhard by Bearheart Kokopelli

Album review by Dyan Garris for Zone Music Reporter and New Age CD

Flute and guitar are braided beautifully together here to form a heartfelt heaven on Earth.


A vision quest is a “hero’s journey” of sorts; a rite-of-passage in Native American/indigenous cultures. Essentially, it is a contemplative spiritual seeking of an alignment or re-alignment of one’s mind, body, and soul, as well as a reconnection with nature, the ancients, and Creator.

“Vision Quest,” the album, is the second studio album by Native American Music Award-winning flutist Bearheart Kokopelli.  Guest artist on the album, contributing his stellar guitar performances, is Harald Peterstorfer, an accomplished musician and guitarist. Flute and guitar are braided beautifully together here to form a heartfelt heaven on Earth throughout the entire album.

The quest begins with the outstanding “Can You Tell Me.” A poignant, haunting flute melody calls us provocatively to the journey. An interwoven drumbeat underneath sets us steadily on the course forward. The beautiful guitar, somewhat reminiscent of “Stairway to Heaven,” adds to the wonderful and dreamy feel. The song builds passionately, and at just over six minutes, it’s a perfect genesis to the journey.

Following is “Talking to the Ancestors.” We feel like we are high on a bluff, overlooking eternity, and connecting with all that is, all that was, and all that will ever be. Our vision is that much clearer as we move along.

“Follow The Sun” has a distinct sacred feel to it. This is amazingly beautiful, bringing deep peace to the soul. As well, this feels extremely healing, not just on a personal level, but on a global level as well. I so love this one.

On any journey, we always arrive at some type of crossroads. In “Crossing The River” we are standing at that junction. There is a duality here that is beautifully and effectively expressed by both flute and guitar. Should I stay or should I go? Stay awhile and then know that it is safe to go. Just go forth.

After this, we encounter the awesome “Mojave Sundown.” This is gorgeous, sumptuous, sweet, and so peaceful. It’s hard to describe. It’s something you feel deep in your soul.

Have you ever walked a labyrinth? Ever embarked on a real vision quest? The tranquil “Walking the Sacred Path” speaks to everything you feel on that walk. Overtone singing blends in nicely here and the tones allow for chakra opening and alignment in bigger ways.

Love the guitar and flute together on “Canyon Sunset.” This is a call to a deeper knowing and we are one with the soft sunset colors. Love this. It’s exquisite.

Showcasing versatility and immense talent, “Desert Blues” is wonderful and bluesy with flute and guitar doing their thing and doing it well. This is great.

Title track, “Vision Quest,” is ultra-relaxing and soothing to the soul. A haunting flute melody intertwines well with Harald’s guitar performance. The vibe here feels like a person receiving answers to their quest.

The gorgeous “Medicine Song” is an easy favorite. Flowing and very melodic, this is truly medicine for the soul. Very nice.

The album culminates with the very enjoyable “Can You Tell Me Now.” Intertwined drumbeat, enchanting flute, and splendid guitar make this song quite engaging.  We return from the vision quest with wisdom and knowledge that will stand us in good stead for the next part of our journey.

“Vision Quest” by Bearheart Kokopelli is his finest work yet, and we look forward to hearing more.


“Vision Quest” is available everywhere music is streamed and downloaded.

Official artist website:

Harald Peterstorfer’s official artist website:

Press contact: [email protected]




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